Tiger Leaping Gorge

In an earlier post I detailed how our first week in China had been spent following two of the three great rivers of Yunnan. The past two days saw us complete the trio, walking the  16km hike along the famous Tiger Leaping Gorge, following the Yangtze River.

The gorge is one of the deepest in the world measuring a whopping 3.9km from the raging river below to the snow peaked mountains above. There are literally shear cliffs which drop down 2.5km – basically, it’s pretty impressive as valleys go.

The highest point in the trail sits just over a giddy  1000m above the river bank which is where we started the trek. It took us just under 4 hours to climb to the highest point and some of it was quite tough.

Despite the rain, mist and roadworks (!) it was still an impressive and stunning hike and we met some lovely people along the way.

Here are some pictures (although they really don’t do justice to the sheer awesomeness of the landscape…)

The mist clears just enough for us to enjoy the view!
Misty snow peaked mountains

Our Tibetan friend outside a small prayer house on the trail
The rocks where a tiger is said to have lept across giving the gorge its name. Yes, they are people in the bottom R corner next to the river!
Making friends with the local wildlife – ‘here’s looking at you kid!’
This one’s for you mum! Remind you of another photo?

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